In - Game name:lava.
Pokemons names and lvls:totdile lvl 12,shinx lvl 12,scyther lvl 10,flareon lvl 10,vaporeon lvl 10,jolteon lvl 10,chimchar lvl 13,absol lvl 23,buzeil lvl 21,chikritoa lvl 1,staravia lvl 14,spearrow lvl 10,skitty lvl 10,sneasel lvl 10,houndour lvl 15,aron lvl 10,growlite lvl 10,gastley lvl 10,igglytuff lvl 10,togpie lvl 11,glaceon lvl 17,blastoise lvl 37,cyndaquil lvl 10 pichu lvl 10 charmenlon lvl 20 duskull lvl 24.
What Gym you are applying for:eevee gym.
Why you would make a good gym leader:i think i should make a good gym leader because i love eevees evoled forms and i want to approve that i am very good i dont cheat i play fair.
How long you've been playing PBS:1 and a half months